Implementasi Metode WebQual 4.0 untuk Analisis Kualitas Website Universitas Boyolali

  • Ari Wahyono Universitas Boyolali
  • Wisnu Sanjaya


As a higher education institution, Universitas Boyolali (UBY) has an official website with the address The main website conveys information to the academic community and the public. Website quality measurement is used as a basis for making improvements, so that website performance and quality are better. One of the methods for website measurement is using the WebQual 4.0 method. WebQual 4.0 Method measures a website's quality and focuses on three main dimensions: usability, information quality, and interaction service quality.

This study aims to use the Webqual 4.0 method to measure quality with the website research object owned by Boyolali University, namely The study used 174 respondents using the non-probability incidental sample method for students, teaching staff, and lecturers at Boyolali University who had visited or accessed the website. The analysis results show that the Usability Dimension gets a percentage value of 78.62%, the Information Quality dimension is 78.22%, and service interaction is 77.75%. These results indicate that a percentage of respondents stated that they were satisfied with the quality of the UBY website.


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