Pelatihan dan Pendampingan dalam Memulai UMKM sebagai Strategi Pemberdayaan Kelompok PKK Dusun Suden, Desa Dragan, Kecamatan Tamansari, Kabupaten Boyolali.
MSMEs as an important sector for the Indonesian economy, have become an important concern in the development of micro-enterprises in Indonesia. One of them is through the PKK group, which can become a forum for empowering housewives in owning micro businesses on an individual or group scale. Through community service by providing training and assistance in starting MSMEs, it is hoped that they can contribute to the development of MSMEs, especially in the PKK Dusun Suden group. The method of community service that is carried out is by presentation and demonstration as well as direct practice. In this community service, the practice of processing ready-to-brew powdered pandan ginger products and chips from banana stems is carried out. Apart from that, the assistance also created social media accounts as a form of implementing digital marketing in marketing the products that have been produced.
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