SENYUM BOYOLALI <p>JURNAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT</p> Universitas Boyolali en-US SENYUM BOYOLALI 2620-5017 Pelatihan dan Pendampingan dalam Memulai UMKM sebagai Strategi Pemberdayaan Kelompok PKK Dusun Suden, Desa Dragan, Kecamatan Tamansari, Kabupaten Boyolali. <p><em>MSMEs as an important sector for the Indonesian economy, have become an important concern in the development of micro-enterprises in Indonesia. One of them is through the PKK group, which can become a forum for empowering housewives in owning micro businesses on an individual or group scale. Through community service by providing training and assistance in starting MSMEs, it is hoped that they can contribute to the development of MSMEs, especially in the PKK Dusun Suden group. The method of community service that is carried out is by presentation and demonstration as well as direct practice. In this community service, the practice of processing ready-to-brew powdered pandan ginger products and chips from banana stems is carried out. Apart from that, the assistance also created social media accounts as a form of implementing digital marketing in marketing the products that have been produced.</em></p> Aham Ginanjar Rahayu Fera Tri Wulandari Cika Mariska Aisyah Nur Cahyani Rusmanto Rusmanto Copyright (c) 2023 SENYUM BOYOLALI 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 4 2 20 28 10.36596/sb.v4i2.982 SOSIALISASI DAN PENDAMPINGAN PEMBUATAN PAKAN TERNAK ALTERNATIF DENGAN MEMANFAATKAN LIMBAH DAUN PISANG DI DESA BAKULAN KECAMATAN CEPOGO KABUPATEN BOYOLALI <p><em>Bakulan village is one of the villages in Cepogo sub-district, Boyolali district. In Bakulan village, dry leaf waste is generally used as animal feed without processing, but is given directly to livestock after being chopped. The community's knowledge and skills are low in utilizing dry leaf waste optimally. The methods used are socialization and demonstration. The result of this Community Service activity is an increase in the knowledge and skills of the Bakulan village community in using dry leaves as alternative animal feed by 65% ​​and 85.5%.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> soleh abdul rosyid Copyright (c) 2023 SENYUM BOYOLALI 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 4 2 29 34 10.36596/sb.v4i2.1252 PEMBUATAN MARKA JALAN DI DUKUH SAMBUNGREJO RT 27 KELURAHAN MLIWIS KECAMATAN CEPOGO KABUPATEN BOYOLALI <p>Real work or community service study programs are a form of applying the knowledge that has been learned in lectures and then implementing it in community life. One form of community service that is implemented as a real work lecture theme includes a basic partnership program in supporting sustainable development goals (SDGs). Road markings are signs on the road surface that form longitudinal lines, transverse lines, and slant lines as symbols that function to direct traffic flow. Village infrastructure development is a form of real work education activity. in the road construction program, students collaborate with village heads and village youth to build road markings. The equipment used is brushes, paint, thinner, wooden boards. This activity is jointly carried out to support positive synergy and foster a sense of mutual cooperation</p> Zakaria Husein Abdurrahman Frilia Christien Nuning Lisdiana Ayub Subekti Suwarti Suwarti Gilang Arya Putra Sadam Husen Eka Nur Anjani Fani Fanha Fahma Nia Yulis Syarah Edi Aprilianto Joko Ardiyanto Copyright (c) 2024 SENYUM BOYOLALI 2024-02-01 2024-02-01 4 2 35 39 10.36596/sb.v4i2.1260