Proses Review/Review Process

Proses Review

  • Reviewer menerima naskah double blind review (tanpa identitas penulis) dari editor bagian atau sekretariat redaksi. Apabila tidak sesuai kompetensinya, reviewer berhak menolak naskah dan merekomendasikannya ke reviewer lain yang lebih kompeten.
  • Satu orang reviewer minimal mereview satu naskah dan satu naskah minimal direview oleh satu reviewer
  • Reviewer menelaah naskah dari aspek kualitas dan substansi penulisan (bukan tata bahasa naskah), yang mencakup keterbaruan, keaslian, kemanfaatan, serta kevalidan kutipan dan daftar pustaka.

Editorial and Review Process

  • The suitability of manuscripts for publication in Tropical Animal Science is judged by peer reviewers and editorial board. All the review process are conducted in double-blind review. Chief Editor handles all correspondence with the author and makes the final decision as to whether the paper is recommended for acceptance, rejection, or needs to be returned to the author for revision.
  • The manuscripts will be evaluated by one or two qualified peer reviewers selected by Chief Editor and Section Editors
  • RPapers needing revision will be returned to the authors, and the authors must return the revised manuscript to the Chief Editor via OJS of Tropical Animal Science.