Peningkatan Kapasitas dan Sinergitas PokTan SARI BUMI (Pasca Panen) dan UKM PUTRI MANDIRI (Pengolahan Pangan) Melalui Aneka Olahan Pangan di Desa Sukabumi, Cepogo, Boyolali

Keywords: Vegetables, Processed Food, Innovation, Partnership


The Community Partnership Program objectives include: a) Increasing knowledge, attitudes and skills in applying technology for post-harvest vegetable handling to be able to produce quality vegetable products according to market demand and handling by-products into food-processed raw materials and supporting product diversification technology innovation, b ) Motivating Small and Medium Enterprises to always be creative and innovative in doing business, c) Encourage both Business Groups to always improve and maintain the quality of their products so that they have high competitiveness in marketing. d) Encouraging stronger partnerships between the SARIBUMI Post-Harvest Vegetable Farmers Group and the PUTRIMANDIRI Business Group.

The methods used in achieving the objectives are: Giving Knowledge, Development Attitude, and Technical Skills Through Training, Facilitation and Facilitation, Field Practice, FGD Aspects of Production Engineering, Marketing Management, and Giving Machine-Processing Aid.

The output targets achieved from this PKM program are: a) SARIBUMI Farmers Group can produce vegetable products according to market segment demand in sufficient quantity and quality so as to increase the income of members and their families, b) UKM PUTRI MANDIRI2 is able to produce greater added value from developing product variations so as to increase the income of members and their families, c) The development of synergy between PokTan and UKM in business development; and d) Implementation of scientific publications through national journals and publications through mass media.

Through this program: a) A partnership has been established between the two mutually beneficial and sustainable SMEs. Sari Bumi UKM obtained added value from untapped byproducts and UKM PUTRI MANDIRI obtained raw materials at competitive prices thereby reducing production costs. b) The quality and quantity of the results of the work of the two SME partners can be improved and have wider market access; c) Both partners have better knowledge, attitudes and marketing skills so they can get better profits. e) Scientific publications through national journals / mass media

The implementation of the PKM Community Service Grant was considered very successful because in addition to the main achievement target, mandatory and additional output targets could be implemented, also succeeded in integrating various interests and synergies, including Boyolali Regency Government, Banking, and other private sectors, in supporting the implementation of the Partnership Program activities Society of Boyolali University 2018


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How to Cite
Muryanto, S., & Setiawati, D. (2018). Peningkatan Kapasitas dan Sinergitas PokTan SARI BUMI (Pasca Panen) dan UKM PUTRI MANDIRI (Pengolahan Pangan) Melalui Aneka Olahan Pangan di Desa Sukabumi, Cepogo, Boyolali. SENYUM BOYOLALI, 1(3), 5-9. Retrieved from